A household budget is a financial plan to keep your home running smoothly. It is an important tool help you plan how your money will be spent. Looking back over past household budgets, ie. your set of accounts for your home, can be very helpful in planning future budgets. The household budget can highlight areas of waste or perhaps show you areas that improvements can be made to enable saving money for some other goal.
BillsManager was designed as a quick and easy way for you to budget and manage your bills. You can follow the step by step instructions to set up your household budget. Gathering the information required for all your bills may take the most amount of time in the set up of your household budget, depending on how organised you are. This time is well spent, once all information is to hand it should only take 20 to 30 minutes to set up your budget. It is advisable (but not necessary) to have a separate bank account for your budget so that you always have the money set aside to pay the bills when they are due. Managing your bills will be made a lot easier and can be done on a monthly basis which should only take you 10 to 15 minutes a month.
You will have access to a 12 month cash-flow forecast which calculates your projected cash flow for the next 12 month period and will help you make informed spending decisions. The income and expenditure plan will show you where you stand with all aspects of your spending not just your household bills. This can be customised to suit your needs and is automatically updated when you run your monthly update of your bill payments.
You will also have easy access to your bill payment history which can be useful if deciding to switch providers, all the information is at your fingertips, no routing through folders or emails. It is not the action of paying bills that causes stress, its not having the money set aside to pay for the bill that causes the anxiety.
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