If you tick the box apposite each Bill Name in the column “Remove Bill” and click Remove from List, these ticked transactions will be removed from your import list. If you wish to remove all the transactions you can tick the box at the top.
Category: Import from My Bank Account
What is Preview?
Click Preview to view your the transactions you have imported from your bank account before tagging transactions and importing to your BillsManager account.
How do I Import a Bank File?
In Import from my Bank Account, Click Choose file or Browse (depending on your browser), locate your transaction file to be imported, Click Open then Click Import. This will display the transactions on your BillsManager screen to be tagged before Importing to your account. Where your import file has header column names ; Date, Description, Debit, […]
What Does Import your bank balance do?
Tick this box and BillsManager will Import your most recent bank balance. If the box is not ticked the balance will not be imported. You also have the option to add your bank balance manually. Remember your bank balance is important for your Cashflow Forecast.
What does Import All Tagged Transactions do?
Click this button to Import the transactions that have been tagged automatically or you have tagged manually, once you are happy you have tagged your transactions as Full, Part or Split Payments correctly. If you already imported the same transactions before, don’t worry, BillsManager will let you know which transactions have already been imported and will only import new transactions.
What is the difference between Full, Part and Split Payments?
Full Payment is selected when you are paying a bill in full. Part Payment is selected when the payment is only part paying a bill. If the payment is the final part payment which pays the bill is full, you still select part payment. Split Payment is for a payment amount which includes 2 or […]
Why do I add my Current Bank Balance?
Your Current Bank Balance can be added manually or can be imported. The date of your last bank balance and whether it was Imported or added manually is displayed to the right of the your balance. This balance is important for your Cash Flow Forecast.
What does Add to List do?
When you tag transactions to be imported, click Add to List and your tagged transactions will be added to the list of transactions to be imported. Prior to completing the import to BillsManager you have the option to untag transactions to remove them from the list of transactions to be imported.
When do I add a header when importing?
BillsManager assumes the top row of your import file is column headers and does not contain transaction information to be imported. If you are importing a file with transactions in the top row and no headers, tick this Add Header box so the transaction information in the top row will be imported.
Can I update my bill payments without importing?
Yes, go to Manage My Bills, Select Pay a bill to the right of the bill you wish to pay and complete the payment details. If you have paid this bill through your bank account there is no need to tick the box “Paid by Cash/Another Source”. Be sure to avoid updating the bill payment […]