The Surplus over Minimum Balance is the amount you have in your bank account above what you require to ensure that at no point over the next 12 months your account will be in debit. Where this balance shows a Dr, this is the amount your account is short to ensure that at no point […]
Category: My Cash Flow Forecast
What is my Projected Bank Balance?
Your Projected Bank Balance is your bank balance for the next 12 months assuming you will pay your Total Payments into your bank account as per the Pay In column and the value of the bills in your account will not change. If you use your bank account for other payments or if your bills […]
What is the Minimum Balance Required?
The Minimum Balance Required is the minimum amount you should have in your bank account today to ensure you account will not go into debit at any point over the next 12 months, based on your projected payments to be paid in and projected bills to be paid out over the next 12 months.