This is the amount you should put aside / pay into your bills bank account weekly or monthly to budget for all your bills.
Category: Get Started
What is the Total Annual Amount?
This is how much this bill costs you per year. BillsManager will complete this column automatically based on the information you have added in Bill Frequency and Amount.
What happens when I press the Save Button in My First Plan?
This button saves all the information you have added into your first plan. Once you click this button, you will be given the option to save your work to date so you may finalise it later or to save all your bills when you have completed your First Plan, in which case you will not […]
What is Payment Frequency?
The Payment Frequency is how often you will pay into your bank account to cover your bills. If you receive your income on a weekly basis you would select weekly. If you receive your income on a monthly basis you would select monthly. BillsManager will divide your Total Annual Amount of your bills by 52 […]
What is the Payee?
The Payee is the company or person to whom you pay the bill, usually it is the name of the company that issues the bill. Adding this information is for your convenience and is optional. It has no affect on your use of BillsManager.
What is the Grand Total Annual Amount?
This is the Total Amount of all your bills for 1 year plus the amount of your Contingency fund, if you have included one.
What is the Expected Start Date?
The Expected Start Date is the date you expect to start budgeting for your bills and make your 1st payment. This field must be completed for BillsManager to calculate your Budget, your Cash Flow and how much you should pay into your bank account to cover your bills.
Do I add in the Date first plan completed?
No, When you are finished adding all your bills and wish to save your completed First plan, the Date Plan First Completed which is the date that you have completed your First Plan will be added automatically.
What is a Contingency Fund?
A Contingency Fund is an amount you can add to your account as a safety net to use in case your bills cost more than you have budgeted for or for paying unexpected bills. BillsManager will calculate your Contingency Fund for you based on your overall account. If you prefer to set your own Contingency […]
What does the Calculate Button do?
The Calculate Button will calculate how much you need to put aside each week or each month to cover all the bills you have included to your account.