Have you ever wondered what happens to your money once you get paid. Most of the time the money is spent before you get it. You may have your bill payments set up through your bank account by standing order or direct debit. Although this is very convenient and can save you a lot of time and hassle, it can lead to you being complacent about your money.
Are you in control of your money? You should know your numbers. You should know exactly how much money you have left as any point in the month, year. In the event of you not having money left over, perhaps it is time you should start a budget so that you keep track of your spending. According to an article in Irish Independent today, up to one hundred thousand families are currently in arrears with their mortgages.
If you are in arrears you will need to know exactly how your money is spent. When the banks start to trawl through the huge numbers of mortgages in arrears, they will be looking for an up to date standard financial statement of everyone. This statement involves listing your expenditure as well as your income. Rather than waiting for the proverbial to hit the fan, start your budget on BillsManager.com so you will have the numbers you need at your fingertips.
This online budget tool is for anybody who wants to take control of their finances. It will help you to set up a budget plan for your family and will help you to manage your money and bills moving forward. The benefit of budgeting is that it will show you where your money is going. Your budget will break it down to two simple things, income and expenditure.
You will have access to your bill payment history and a 12 month cash-flow forecast. Giving you all the necessary information you need to make informed spending decisions. You will also have a separate section for income and expenditure, this will include all other expenditure apart from household utility bills, insurance and mortgage/rent etc.
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