We all know what Barney says but for the benefit of those that don’t, Barney says “Sharing is Caring”.  Not only are children being thought a great life lesson on television but you should encourage this in the home also.  Apart from the obvious, getting the kids to share their toys with their siblings and friends while they are playing, there is another way on instilling this life lesson and it will save you money.

There are great benefits to hand-me-downs because we should all be more eco aware and recycling such things as clothes and toys not only save our pockets but can also help towards a greener environment.  Children tire and get bored with toys very quickly, in fact sometimes they are bored with a toy after only a couple of days.  Such a toy could be put away to be used by a younger sibling when that child is old enough to play with it.

There is no getting away from it, children just keep growing and growing.  Certainly from the time that they are babies to about the age of 12 to 14, most of the time their clothes are outgrown before they become worn out.  It seems ridiculous not to use these clothes again for a younger sibling.  Or why not look at the recycling centres that are popping up everywhere and  give you cash for old clothes.   Alternatively, you could donate the clothes  to a charity like The Red Cross and allow them to benefit from the cash offered. 

Children who are taught to appreciate the value of things early on in their lives will grow up to understand the pleasure of earning something rather than expecting everything to just land in their lap. Hand me downs teaches them the lessons of sharing and of recycling which will save you money now but will also save them money when they go out into the world themselves.