Save Money by Switching Provider
Checking around for the best price on anything that you buy might seem like the obvious thing to do to save money. Apparently only 2 fifths of Irish households have saved money by switching their energy provider according to a recent article in the Irish Independent.
In the current climate, there are very few households that can afford NOT to look at deals to save money. The comparison website is a very helpful tool to anyone looking to save money. It will help you find out which energy provider can offer you the best deal so you can save money on your Gas and Electricity bills. You could save more than €250 per year if you switch from standard rates to the better discount rates offered. will also compare Television and Broadband providers amongst other services such as services provided by banks etc.
According to a study commissioned by the National Consumer Agency only one third of consumers have switched provider for their banking, insurance or energy. These numbers are very low considering the pressure all households are under. It only takes a couple of minutes to key in your details and it could mean substantial saving for you.
Another area where savings can be made is your Mortgage Protection policy. The premiums have fallen over the last couple of years so now is the time to talk to your broker about getting a new quote and saving yourself more money. Or you can go online to get a quick quote.
We are going to feel the pinch when all the additional charges to each household kick in if you have not already felt them. There are some bills like taxes and council charges that we cannot reduce but where savings can be made it makes sense to spend a little time to save money wherever you can.
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